Program History


The Hydrology program started life as part of the Surface water design program. Initially, it was just the database of UK locations (about 1200) which were read from the Wallingford maps and entered into the program. Over time, the related functions grew in number until the size of this section made it unmanageable in a rapidly developing program that was becoming enormous in its own right. Hence the development of the stand-alone program.

H R Wallingford was approached for permission to reproduce their rainfall constants maps as an integral part of the program. This was kindly granted, allowing the user to obtain the constants from any part of the UK directly from the screen. The data base now contains over 4000 entries. This started as a list of towns that had populations in excess of 2500, but since those early days, the selection criteria have changed, so that now small villages are also listed.

The functions available in the program make it an essential tool for engineers working in the water industry who require rainfall data. Those using Microdrainage will find this program invaluable for obtaining the M5-60 and r values required for this program.

This program is compatible with Windows XP/7/10 (32bit and 64bit) operating systems.

The program is under constant development to increase the functions available, and to decrease the learning curve. Many of the functions have been suggested by engineers that have used this program, and further suggestions or comments are welcomed.



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