information Resources

The following is a list of allied institutions (professional bodies, acadedmic institutions, climatic websites) that serve as information sources in drainage design field. It is not possible to list all of them here however we have made a selection of publicly known sites that you may find useful.

The Society of Public Health Engineers

A professional body that seeks to redress the problem that PHEs have no professional body to represent them. The web site will give details of the aims and objectives of the Society, and entry methods, with the appropriate qualifications.

The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineers

The Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineers was the traditional way for PHEs to enter the profession. Details of membership grades and the qualifications required may found on this site. Details may also be found about the latest Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide.

Centre For Ecology and Hydrology

CEH is a centre for research in the land and freshwater environmental sciences. Research is aimed at improving the understanding of the environment as we see it today, and the natural processes that underlie the Earth's support systems - for example climate & water resources. There is particular interest in the impacts of human activity on natural environments.

FEH data may be obtained from the CEH website at a cost - currently £25 per enquiry.

H R Wallingford

An independent company specialising in consultancy and research in civil engineering hydraulics and the water environment.

Sources of climatic information for rainfall and temperature

The Met Office site has data from the mid-17th century (CET), and the mid 18th century (rainfall). The UEA site has the last decade, and is more up to date than the Met Office site.

Met. Office - Hadley Centre
Central England temperature
Met. Office - Hadley Centre
Climate Research Unit, Univ. East Anglia



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